– Unite
NSW (02) 9522 7777 Enrol Now!

AppleTree Preschool is managed by Rise&Shine Education™



Our Unite program teaches children kindness, compassion and respect for themselves and others, with a focus on diversity and the importance of social responsibility for the community and environment.

Making A Difference

Our communities are rich with diversity and we embrace this by talking openly about identity, heritage and culture. The principles of the Unite program are embedded into every activity at Rise & Shine centres, from the art and children’s books selected to the range of community and cultural events we celebrate throughout the year. Celebrating diversity helps children understand other cultures, traditions and families. We enjoy engaging and connecting with our families through annual social events such as mother’s day breakfasts, grandparents day, parent teacher evenings, Christmas and graduation concerts and many more.

Building Strong Communities

We believe in being active participants in our local communities. As part of our school readiness program, we form partnerships with our local primary schools to ensure your child has a smooth transition to school and support your family through this important event.

Rise & Shine Education has formed close relationships with a number of support agencies in the community, to give children and their families any additional help they may need. This may include advice, visits from professionals such as speech or occupational therapists, or funding for one-on-one educators if the child has additional needs.

Learning Together

We believe it’s important to work together on the important job of raising your child. Our Unite program includes a range of events, information evenings and seminars, so we can stay connected to families and help you learn more about topics such as transitioning to school, fussy eating and behaviour management.

We also welcome special guests to Rise & Shine centres, who help children understand the world by teaching them about different experiences, such as surf lifesaving, dog safety, multicultural dance and music, nature and much more. To learn more about our Unite program, contact our educators or book a tour to experience the Shine Advantage.